Canton Helping Hands
Total amount given by Helping Hands
Canton as of 1/31/25.
Mission: Helping Hands Resale Shoppe exists to generate financial resources through the sale of donated goods in order to fund local and international charities.
Vision: We see a community sharing their possessions in order to give to those in need.
Helping Hands Resale Shoppe was founded in 2010 as a way to help local and international charities in a very practical way. Through Helping Hands our community acts as the hands and feet of Christ by donating goods, volunteering to serve and shopping at the store. Each week a charity or ministry is designated to receive a share of the proceeds. We currently have fund raising resale locations in Chillicothe, Canton, Peoria Heights and Pontiac, Illinois.
(309) 647-7990
Manager – Wendy Mayall
105 N 1st Ave
Canton, Illinois 61520
Tuesday – Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
**Donation Accepted 10 a.m. – 3 p.m.**